The red-headed lovebird (Agapornis pullarius), also known as the red-faced lovebird or simply the headed lovebird, is a small parrot species native to Africa. With their vivid orange head colouring and lively personalities, these birds have captivated bird enthusiasts and pet owners alike. In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of red-headed lovebirds, discussing their appearance, habitat, behavior, and more.
Appearance of the red-headed lovebird
The red-headed lovebird is known for its striking appearance, with the head extending from the mid crown down to the nape in a well demarcated red area. The rest of the body is a lighter green color, with the exception of the grey feet and short tail.
Males and females show some differences in appearance. The adult male is distinguished by the male’s red head, which is a deep, vibrant orange-red. Additionally, the eyelid margins of the male are more prominent, further accentuating the red head. In contrast, the female has a paler red beak and less intense red beak coloration.

Habitat and Distribution
The red-headed lovebird has a patchy distribution throughout West and Central Africa, from Sierra Leone to DR Congo, as well as Sao Tome island. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including forest edges, savannas, and areas with cultivated crops. The species typically settles in locations near water sources, as they need to drink frequently. Other species like the black-cheeked lovebird are present in Africa.
Behavior and Social Structure of the red-headed lovebird
The red-headed lovebird is a very nervous species, known for their quick, darting movements. They are highly social and form communal roosts in tree cavities or abandoned termites nest. During the day, the birds forage in groups, often flying long distances in search of food.
Their vocalizations consist of high pitched, whistling notes. On rare occasions, they may even sleep upside down like bats, hanging by one foot!
Diet and Feeding Habits
The diet of the red-headed lovebird is diverse and nutritious, it includes grass seeds, fruits, and small insects. These birds, like most lovebirds belonging to the genus Agapornis, forage on the ground, hopping about as they search for food. Their agile movements and keen eyesight aid them in locating and catching their prey with precision.
During the mating season, the diet of the red-faced lovebird shifts to include more insects, providing additional protein necessary for egg-laying females. This increase in protein intake is crucial for the production of healthy eggs, ensuring the survival and growth of their offspring. In addition to a protein-rich diet, calcium supplementation is essential for breeding females, as it helps strengthen their eggshells and maintain overall health during the reproductive process.
It’s important to note that the dietary requirements of the red-headed lovebird can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and reproductive status. Understanding these nuances is crucial for proper care and management of these birds, both in captivity and in the wild. By learning more about the unique dietary habits of Agapornis pullarius, we can better appreciate their ecological role and contribute to their conservation and well-being.

Breeding and Nesting
The breeding season for the red-headed lovebird, a very nervous species, occurs during the rainy season, when food is most abundant. These birds form monogamous pairs, with both the male and female participating in nest construction. Nests are typically built within tree cavities or abandoned termites nest, often found in high forests.
The female digs out the nest chamber using her beak, while the male gathers materials such as shredded grasses and seed husks to line the nest. The nest chamber needs to be spacious enough to accommodate the eggs and growing chicks comfortably. Meanwhile, the male gathers materials such as shredded grasses and seed husks to line the nest, creating a soft and warm environment for their offspring.
Once the female digs it and nest is complete, the female lays a clutch of 3-6 eggs, which she incubates for approximately 23 days. During this time, the male provides her with food and protects the nest from potential threats, often having to travel long distances to find suitable nourishment for his mate.
Upon hatching, the chicks of red faced lovebird are blind and covered in a sparse down. Both parents share the responsibility of feeding and caring for their young, providing them with rearing food rich in nutrients. The chicks fledge after about 40 days and become independent a few weeks later.
Conservation Status
Although the red-headed lovebird faces some threats from habitat loss and trapping for the pet trade, their overall population remains stable. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) currently lists the species as being of Least Concern. However, ongoing monitoring and conservation efforts are necessary to ensure the long-term survival of this unique bird species.

The red-headed lovebird, with its vibrant colors such as the lighter green body, orange head coloring, paler red, and grey feet, and energetic personality, is truly a fascinating species. Its unique behaviors, such as communal roosting and sleeping upside down, make it stand out from other lovebirds, including those with the male’s red head. Although it remains a nervous species, the red-headed lovebird has captured the hearts of bird lovers around the world. By learning more about this captivating bird and supporting conservation efforts, we can help ensure that future generations can also experience the beauty and charm of the red-faced lovebird in the wild.